Monsoon is the best time of the year.. It brings in a lot of fresh new ideas for just penning down randomly. It is the season of blossoming romance, new grass, birds tweeting.. lush green views, water filled ponds.. little fishes in it. all the beauty of nature, indescribable beyond words.
One can find beauty and peace even in watching raindrops, drizzling down gracefully in a fine sheet.. glazing through the dim soothing street light, yellow in colour. Usual rustling winds shake the branches, shrugging off water drops.. changing the pattern of falling drops.
Birds hurry to settle on branches, hiding themselves between leaves.. shivering and withering off the water from their wings. Every one seeks a shelter from falling drops. The earth gladly accepts them, letting them seep down the depths of itself.
The soothing smell of wet earth is a blessing in disguise.. which may relive quivering souls from the cycle of universe.