It was a night journey in sleeper bus coach. I settled early, with no sleep in eyes. I thought about trying out google assistant, that my sister showed me this evening. After reading a few articles on random websites dedicated to self development and motivation, I remembered the free e books that I had downloaded today.
As such, I wasn’t feeling sleepy, I started reading a short book about a religious prophet. It influenced me by awakening my buried curiosity. It led me to watch videos tracing its source. And in that process, I found a video of chef journeys. It was similar to the shows in which a chef travels to different places and discovers various food habits, food items and culture. Just the difference was, it was from a different country similar to what I identify myself to.
All this process made me realize the power of identity. Man has perhaps been created to thrive on strong identity. All identities are equally important. Conflicts have been there since time immemorial due to the conflict of these identities. Many a times, man fails to understand identities other to his. But in many places, especially in the video that I watched, there was a peaceful and beautiful coexistence of two identities originated from the same place.
It put me to a weird peace knowing this peaceful coexistence. Perhaps, it satisfied my source of identity to the core.. 🙂