Celebrating various cultures that this beautiful country holds, is something that comes from my heart and gives me immense happiness. That is the way I feel , makes me more connected to people. It’s the subtle nuances of each culture if you care to keep knowledge about, might just earn you some brownie points.
While I certainly don’t do it to earn brownie points, I find this way as best to make someone happy. And the happiness felt after making someone else smile is heavenly. As I dive in deeper into the sea of cultures intervened in this country, I stretched my knowledge beyond big screen down south.
I had it bubbling inside me to reflect my new found muse in this faraway land. I’d started reflecting it in my changing taste in songs, dressing style and everyday products I use. But I didn’t have anyone who could share this new found knowledge of mine and cherish it, to be precise. Some observant souls at office had noticed this, but my eyes were searching, zeroing down such a person who could understand that very joy I got enjoying the little things I did to adopt more of the culture.
My eyes had spotted such a person, but the entity was out of reach till the end of last year. I had obviously observed to the best of my ability but, was unaware of the acquaintance from other side of the sea. After my secret trip down south this new year, I became over obsessively attached with the nitty-gritty things of the lovely culture there. As unaware I was of my presence being known so very well, I could get the happiness of acknowledgement of my new found interest and knowledge.
The happiness didn’t last long, because what I felt strongly after that incident is, majority of the public mocked this happiness of mine. However, I got an opportunity to share my new found muse in the things I’d tried to adopt and learn with the zeroed down entity sooner. This process enabled me to enjoy the happiness someone got when you celebrate their culture far far away from their homeland.
Also there were two distinct observations that I made during this unknown rendezvous that transpired silently. One was that people who are introvert find it difficult to express their joy or acceptance of other cultures in an environment governed by peer pressure and when the person belongs to dominant homo-culture. Two; You might be totally unaware that the person you are zeroing down has already noticed you and your abilities and maybe is also a silent follower of your hobby. And three; when you find such a person who can totally relate to your intellect, interest and is keen to share with you the childish happiness that comes to your face while sharing, the best thing is the person climbs down the age ladder and unleashes the child in him. He doesn’t make you feel immature for sharing your happiness in their culture; instead tries to indulge in personal memories, relishing all the moments he can ! ☺️
This undoubtedly strikes a great connection, even in a formal setting like office; between a boss and a subordinate only if the prior one is ready to relax the vines and let the flow of knowledge, ideas, happiness and advice flow vice versa.