In this time when world hit disease gripped my life in a way that made me sit at home permanently, I had a wonderful time exploring my intellectual buds.
TV and internet were my gateways to whole new world out there ready to welcome me with open arms. Watching a lot of films, songs, orchestra videos and host of other videos on the internet, it dawned upon me that I already had an unexplored side of things which I strongly share with my father.
I subconsciously spent entire day in waiting for the arrival of my father from office and then showing him the new things I’d seen over the Internet. Be it my similar taste in music, English movies and host of other things, he used to enjoy every bit of it with me.
Talking about close observation of this, there is a distinct pattern of intellect in my family, which overlaps each other of the members to give an abstract piece of art. It is the same way a series of aerial photographs are overlapped in a flight line exercise to get the complete picture of the surveyed area.
My mother is on one extreme side of it. She enjoys traditional things, as in reading regional literature, music a bit and TV shows which are contemporary and modern as well as reaching the far history regionally. My sister is a shade of sea green and turquoise in that matter to say. She shares the same with mother, going a way more farther than her but maintaining her little secrecy about it. To add to the bluer side, she shares a good lot with father in Westernised music and films a wee bit. Concentrated regional history of two different eras is her choicest of the platter. She tends towards the mother’s end of the graph. Thus she is a sea green with more algae , an eminently strong shade greener and only a tinge of blue.
My father is a rainbow in that matter I must say. He is an avid reader. He loves regional music, more to say the traditional music. He gets himself dripping in the nectar of it. He loves contemporary Asian and Western History, Geography and wee bit of Economics. I can’t imagine the amount of general knowledge he’s garnered over the time. At the same time, he’s a science person at mind. He likes to be only a distant spectator of the contemporary food, but could adapt a little with near Asian food, strictly the vegan.
He enjoys the Western end of movies with me through and through and common regional cinema which are really appreciated throughout the country. This side of his overlaps with me, where I am more inclined towards going in the depths of this love for westernisation in the world. I’d spent time going through the different accents and dialects of English language. I could even identify the brands of western style of furniture and the distinct styles of furnishings used in different countries as learnt from a designing game while I enjoy the bottom of depths of the dialogues in English films. I discovered affinity towards orchestra and found myself virtually enjoying a full English breakfast with a cup of Earl Grey.
Now the interactive sharing of this mutual intellect takes place in a way when a dialogue of a certain film is said during a casual conversation and each one of us understands what is being referred to. It can be any of the things we as a family have watched many times and love, or something completely unexpected as of my mother quoting a word out of our regularly watched cookery show, which none of us could decipher. Despite the vivid differences in all our likings and levels of interception, we do share this in common and sometimes with my father, I don’t even need to articulate to communicate the exact thing I want to get across his table.
A litte bit of the same is what I share with my friends around the country. Not in the similar terms as my family, but in terms of the contemporary thoughts in the social and development world and what we all have gone through as a forest of experiences while at college..