Thus, Shweta has now been distanced from the city of her dreams. It’s like her dream took 8 long years to completely shatter. Shweta returned in the empty metro to her place of residence quite late that night. She had controlled her tears all the way.
Shweta had plugged in earphones deep inside her ears. She listened to one song on repeat, whose each note could reach till the last nerve in her body. Eliminating the fantastic seeming metro clang was more important to her at that moment. Each station sweeped water over her fresh memories. Her tears raced like the racing Delhi Metro.
Shweta breathed gradually as her tears became slow. Finally her station arrived. Shweta moved slowly out of the train. The song seemed loud enough in the seemingly quiet background of the station. The wind seemed chilling which was pleasantly cool a while ago. She kept the earphones plugged in till she reached her room.
Once in the room, she kept her belongings aside and quickly changed into warmer clothes. Her nose was red and sore. Her cheeks were dry. She felt helpless as she fell on her bed with no sleep in her eyes. Tears had made her eyes their permanent home. She patted herself to sleep, often breathing abruptly. Her sleep was brittle that night as she would wake up all of a sudden and start crying.
Shweta woke up late that morning. The sea of her tears had well dried up till now. Forcing herself out of the bed, she got up and ready for her duty. She tried to conceal the state of her face with makeup but eyes would tell all. Of all, facing the metro was the most difficult task she felt.
Shweta plugged in the earphones deep into her ears once again. This would help her ignore the fantastic metro clang. Each movement of hers seemed difficult to carry out, as if her mind refused to cooperate with her. The last song attached with Aarav was embedded with the last moments spent with him and surprisingly it soothed her down instead of inducing tears. This affair of her sorrow had to evaporate given to the weak state of Shweta’s mind. Time will only tell how much Shweta’s sensitive nature could endure.