Further story coming soon… keep following this space for Chronicles of Shweta’s life, an untitled story.
That day, on her way back Shweta almost avoided the rain, by running all the way to her home. She was feeling high that day, due to soothing and refreshing weather. She took out her scooter and went for a ride around the township. Shweta rode slowly around the ring road of the township. It had already rained heavily and now the speed of rain had slowed down to a gentle drizzle. The black roads looked fresh after being washed by the rain. The first spell of rain had bathed the trees to make them look sparklingly fresh. Cool breeze kissed Shweta as she rode along, occasionally closing her eyes to let the rain touch her heart and soul from within.
Enjoying her ride thoroughly, she reached on the road leading to her house. She slowed down her scooter as the road was slippery. In front of the parking of a building, some kids were playing cricket in rain. Shweta accidently noticed a guy looking lovingly at those kids. He was dressed in white kurta & pajamas. He wore black spectacles and a bright white smile on his fresh face. Shweta kept looking at that guy, as if enchanted by him. Again, she noticed that this unknown guy was standing in the balcony of her mathematics teacher’s quarter.
Shweta realized she was staring at that guy constantly. As the guy was about to catch the attention of her staring eyes, she blushed and shook her head at what she did.
